Parsley Floral Water ...

Parsley floral water is extremely useful for medical an Aromatherapy purposes. They can be added to your creams and lotions instead of water, or alternatively employed as an aromatic face or body sprits. They are an excellent linen spray and a simple way for the novice aroma therapist to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of essential oils. Add to a soothing hot bath.

The Greeks and Romans knew parsley well as a medical plant and a seasoning. In fact, it is one of the most nutritious of all herbs. An excellent source of vitamins A and C, it also contains niacin, riboflavin and calcium. Rich in chlorophyll, parsley is also a breath freshener.

Parsley's taste appeal is worldwide. The Japanese deep-fry it in tempura batter. Greeks mix large amounts of it with tomato sauce to create the unique moussaka flavoring. Spaniards use parsley as the prime ingredient in salsa Verde and the English make parsley jelly. Both the common, (curly), and Italian (flat-leafed) parsley are ideal for garnishes and for flavoring soups, stews, salad dressing, and sauces, but Italian parsley reportedly has the best flavor. Grow both types in the kitchen or herb garden.

Plant parsley along the edges of window boxes or planters stuffed with colorful annual flowers. It provides a soft foliage contrast to upright, broader leafed container staples such as geraniums. Parsley's drooping stems simultaneously soften the edges of posts and boxes. Because parsley likes cool weather, it can be depended on to provide perky foliage and rich green accents in both spring or fall gardens and container ensembles.

Parsley leaves are comprised of 3 leaflets on short stems that branch in threes at the tips of 8 inch long bare stalks. Leaves of common parsley are dark green with divided tips, which curl tightly. Those of Italian parsley are a lighter green and more deeply divided and feathery, resembling celery foliage. Common parsley plant typically grow-9 to 18 inches tall and spreads about 6 to 9 inches. An Italian type may grow to 3 feet tall.

Parsley was traditionally used in making tea for treating gallstones and dysentery. Trusted as a powerful carminative, the leaves, seeds and roots of Parsley were used in treating numerous digestive problems including diarrhea, ulcer, flatulence and colic pain. The juice extracted from the roots of this plant was used in folklore medicine as a diuretic and for treating kidney disorders like nephrolithiasis (kidney stones).

Benefit & Uses: Parsley herb is used for garnishing and adding extra flavor to all types of food items and is a major ingredient in tabbouleh, the national food of Lebanon. Crushed Parsley leaves have been used for topical application for insect bites, skin parasites and skin tumors. Other conventional uses of Parsley include its use for treating arthritis, anemia, cancer, prostate problems and liver disorders.

Parsley is a nutritional powerhouse with vitamins A, B, C and K and the minerals iron and potassium. This emerald green herb is popular among starlets who want to drop extra water weight before big events because it helps to reduce water retention and bloating (edema). It’s a natural diuretic, which helps to eliminate excess fluid without depleting the body of potassium.

Beyond water weight, parsley aids in balancing blood sugar, helping with long-term weight balance. It also plays a key role in preventing the degenerative effects of diabetes on the liver.

Eating parsley can reduce the risk of cancers such as breast, digestive tract, skin and prostate. Not only does apigenin possesses remarkable anti-cancer properties, it’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Parsley may help to modulate the immune system. Parsley essential oil has been shown to suppress an over-stimulated immune response making it a key player in the fight against allergies, autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders.


Parsley offers protection from a wide variety of diseases from atherosclerosis, diabetes and colon cancer to asthma. Parsley is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is a key nutrient in the processes that neutralizes the free radicals that play a key role in the development of these diseases.

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